
How to Find the Money Source

Kiyosaki says, difficult to achieve wealth only by working for other people. Workers - even the big salaried even as doctors, lawyers - may generate money, but they do not find the source of money. The money will stop flowing when they stop working.

They even tend to be stuck with what is called the rat race - work hard, earn more, buy more, charge more, require more debt, and back again in more hard work.

A person can become rich if he can out of the circle and enter the fast lane, find the source of money that could have achieved if sufficient financial knowledge.

Financial freedom can be achieved with have assets far greater than the liability. It is important for you to know the difference in asset and liability when you want to rich. Asset siphon money into your bag, and liability to pay from your bag.

To become rich, someone must find the assets - everything that enters your money into a bag - and lessen liability - all things that drain money from your bag house, which is itself, the car, and so on.

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