

Plainly, set in the family's financial strain is difficult easy, especially if it is only our hand to mouth. But it does not mean do not need or can not be managed well.

1. Use only regular income to pay for routine expenses
Of course, the routine must be smaller than your regular income. The way that routine enough income to pay for routine expenses is to create a budget.

Plan a regular income and expenditure in the form of your budget. Thus, since you can detect a far day, whether you will have a surplus or a deficit each month.

2. You must have cash reserve
Savings cash here is a reserve for unexpected needs outside the budget, for example, to buy a TV or radio tape. If there is any unexpected needs, charges should not be taken from the budget, but from this cash reserve.

So, do not have more complaints about not running a budget that has been made. If there is a need to buy a TV, for example, but saving money is not enough, then do not buy a used TV until cash savings are already sufficient.

3. Reserve Fund have
Reserve Fund in order to prepare for a source of income if you are having problems, so that you can not have (for example, or go bankrupt ).

Thus, when you are in bankrupt or your business, you can still pay for a few months of life to the front of this fund. The amount of reserve funds varies. The more stable employment someone, the less the required reserve fund. We suggest, is about 3 - 6 months time the family expenditure.

4. Protect yourself from financial risk that may appear
One of them is to take the insurance. For example, on the death of your husband or your child can cause no more bear and finance.

So, you can anticipate the result of risk by taking a life insurance. Remember, if risks can not be anticipated, possible savings and cash reserve fund so you perforated.

1 comment:

  1. Great post... One must resolve to adopt a new budget that better reflects top priorities,even if it means changing your money habits .Here is program which helps you get a better handle on your money allowing you to experience more freedom than you have had before.
